Hillary clinton nuclear time
Hillary clinton nuclear time

hillary clinton nuclear time

A Nuclear Posture Review is really just a study, one that informs the big choices a president makes about what guidance to issue to the military about using nuclear weapons, as well as the size of the force to execute that guidance. Alongside that process, the Clinton administration also conducted a Nuclear Posture Review. defense requirements to guide the post-Cold War downsizing of the military. Clinton had campaigned on the idea of spending the “ peace dividend” on domestic programs, so one of the first things Secretary of Defense Les Aspin did was undertake a “ bottom-up review” of U.S. The first Nuclear Posture Review occurred at the beginning of Bill Clinton’s administration. A lot of people have gotten the idea that the Nuclear Posture Review, like the Quadrennial Defense Review, is something that new presidents are obligated to undertake. The United States has conducted three reviews - one each at the beginning of the Bill Clinton, George W. To understand why, it is helpful to briefly review the history of Nuclear Posture Reviews. Why would Democrats do this to themselves? That would both make it harder for President Barack Obama to act on urgent nuclear weapons issues as his term ends and tie Clinton’s hands on the issue through much of her first term. In other words, presidents might not do all the dumb stuff in party platforms, but they try to do more than you might think.Īnd that’s bad news, because on the little issue of nuclear weapons, the Democratic Party’s 2016 platform commits a President Hillary Clinton to the terrible idea of conducting another Nuclear Posture Review.

hillary clinton nuclear time

But politicians also tend to act consistently with platforms, and, not surprisingly, platforms can help anticipate changes in a party’s attitudes. A president isn’t bound by a party platform, and it can be a cheap way to appease elements of the base. Insiders will tell you party platforms don’t matter much, and they are generally correct. And then there’s the crafting of the party platform. So far, we’ve seen a Game of Thrones-like ending for Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the Democratic National Committee’s chair and efforts to make future presidential primaries more Bernie Sanders-friendly. But party conventions are also about the sausage-making of party politics. This week’s Democratic National Convention will hit its high point with Hillary Clinton accepting the party’s nomination to be president.

Hillary clinton nuclear time